UHRBTF Update and Next Upcoming Retire Forum

I know its been a while since you heard from your University Hospital Retirees Benefits Task Force. Its time for an update and future action. The UHRAA board has agreed to support the work of the Benefits Task Force on behalf of retirees. With the Benefits Task Force retiree contact efforts and the UHRAA board’s existing active member mail list, the 2023 UHRAA retiree membership mailing drive may reach approximately 580 retirees. Included in the early February annual membership drive mailing will also be the following letter to retirees. You are encouraged to join the UHRAA group and attend the upcoming February 16 Retiree Benefits Forum mentioned in the included letter. We hope the combined efforts of the UHRAA board and its membership and the Benefits Task Force communication this year will offer new opportunities for fellowship and involvement for all retirees.

Date: January 25, 2023

To: All University Hospital Retirees Receiving Retirement Medical Benefits

From: University Hospital Retirees Benefits Task Force

Regarding: Task Force and Piedmont Interaction and Attending the Upcoming Meeting

Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 1pm

Dear fellow University Hospital Retiree:

After the University Hospital Retirees Benefits Task Force meeting held on Dec. 12, 2022 at Pine View Baptist Church, select Task Force members were contacted by Piedmont representatives to open further dialogue and understanding regarding the future status of retiree medical benefits. In continuing good faith efforts to resolve this without filing a lawsuit, representatives from our Task Force met with Piedmont representatives on December 20, 2022 and again on January 11, 2023. At the Jan. 11, 2023 meeting with Piedmont, the Task Force representatives requested an email with concise accurate communication regarding their current position regarding our medical retiree benefits since verbal Piedmont hosted forums and previous letters of communication were somewhat different. The Task Force received that updated communication from Piedmont on Jan. 18, 2023 and shared it with our lawyer.

The Task Force with the advice of our lawyer Mr. Jack Long, recommend a newly drafted lawsuit be presented to all University Hospital retirees receiving medical benefits at another scheduled Retiree Forum. Our lawyer will attend to address the latest medical benefits communication from Piedmont and the lawsuit. Lawsuit packets will be readied for all present and will require new notarized plaintiff signatures from all in support at the meeting. Efforts are being made to have more notaries available to speed up the process and allow everyone to leave with proper lawsuit documentation. Be sure to bring a picture ID.

We have scheduled an update forum meeting for this purpose for all University Hospital Retirees receiving retirement medical benefits on:

Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 1pm

Pine View Baptist Church,

119 Pleasant Home Rd, Augusta, GA 30907

(Off Washington Rd. behind the Jim Hudson Lexus Car Dealership)

Please make every effort to attend this very important meeting with our lawyer, Mr. Jack Long, on Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 1pm.

If you cannot attend and have questions, you may contact Task Force Representatives:

Email the UH Retiree Benefits Task Force at: contact@uhretireegroup.org

Call UH Retiree Benefits Task Force representatives:

Debbie Mangum, 706-832-4143

Robin Petry, 706-836-3027

Thank you,

University Hospital Retiree Benefits Task Force