Our Mission
We represent a large group of former University Health Care System / Piedmont Augusta (the “organization”) employees now retired after decades of loyal service.
The Task Force desires to foster fellowship and communication between retirees on matters that affect them. Our current mission is to address the pending termination of long time health care benefits currently being received by retirees as documented and promised by the UHCS/PA organization for decades. For the purpose of this website, we consider any 20 plus year retiree who became eligible in any way for a retirement health care benefit our intended audience. This includes retirees receiving either free benefits (30+ years) or those paying for benefits sponsored by the organization or a combination thereof. The potential termination of the retiree benefit program by the organization not only affects funding of current organization sponsored benefits but potentially may end the collective group concept from an insurance standpoint which may lead to increased cost to individual retirees as health coverage is sought through other means.
We solicit you, the retiree currently receiving health care benefits,
to use this platform to inform yourself of our progress on your behalf and to join our efforts in various ways going forward. We encourage you to visit this sites BLOG page to read posts and comments shared concerning this undertaking.
If you use Facebook, you are strongly encouraged to join the “University Healthcare Retirees And Alumni” Facebook group to connect with retirees (and other Alumni), read relevant posts and receive information on upcoming events and issues that may affect you. This Facebook group is open to any retiree or former Alumni independent of receiving any health care benefit from UHCS/PA.
There is also the option on the “Contact Us” page to send the Task Force your contact information for future potential communication and to let us know if you support this effort. We would love for you to contact us in order to understand the number of benefit recipients being affected.